Institut de Recherche sur la Fusion par confinement Magnétique (IRFM)
The IRFM belongs to the CEA Fundamental Research Division and is located in the CEA Cadarache Center, south of France. More than 300 people carry out research in order to produce a new source of energy: the magnetic confinement fusion.
The IRFM activities are structured around three main areas:
- Contribute to the implementation of the ITER project and those of the "Broader Approach",
- Prepare the scientific operation of ITER, through control and experimentation activities, and through theory and modeling,
- Establish the basis for future fusion reactor.
These activities are closely linked to a special effort in education for the new physicist and engineers in fusion sciences.
The IRFM is equipped with several R&D platforms, the best known is WEST (W – tungsten Environment Steady-state Tokamak) to test the ITER divertor.
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China International Nuclear Fusion Energy Program Execution Center
ITER CHINA was established by MOST with the purpose to execute policies related to International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) Project, to implement the manufacture of ITER procurement packages, to promote development of fusion energy research in China and to enhance multilateral in ITER and bilateral cooperation in the field of fusion.
ITER CHINA takes an active part in ITER activities and ITER organization administration, fulfilling China's commitment and obligations in ITER project and protecting China's rights as an equal partner. Through the participation in ITER's administration and decision making, ITER CHINA aims to cultivate a high-level talent team in science research and engineering technology in China, in order to promote the domestic development in nuclear fusion energy and to lay the foundation for the future design and construction of DEMO.
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Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ASIPP)
ASIPP was founded in September 1978 for the purpose of the peaceful utilization of fusion energy based on the tokamak approach. The main area of research covers high temperature plasma physics, magnetically confined fusion engineering and relevant important research projects.
ASIPP is one of the most important laboratories on magnetically confined fusion in China, has built HT-6B, HT-6M, HT-7, the first superconducting tokamak in China, and EAST, the world's first non-circle cross-section full superconducting tokamak. On EAST, ASIPP has achieved many advanced and unique physical experiment results, and has won two National Science and Technology Progress Awards and other state honors. It is a Chinese major contributor for ITER.
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Southwestern Institute of Physics (SWIP)
SWIP, officially founded in 1965, is the oldest and institute focusing on investigation of plasma physics and magnetically confined nuclear fusion in China. It has been focusing on research and development on the realization of fusion energy.
As one of the most important Chinese laboratories participating in ITER, SWIP's research subject is magnetically confined fusion, including theoretical studies of plasma physics, nuclear fusion science and investigation of fusion materials. SWIP has constructed a series of experimental facilities for magnetically controlled fusion research, including Pulse Compress Mirror Stellarator, MM-2, RFP, HL-1 tokamak, HL-1M tokamak and HL-2A, the first divertor in China.
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